Page 50
"In order to create a sound financial future for your family, you'll need to have a team of people who are all focused on your visions and your long-term financial health."
Page 50
"Buying your first home is going to trigger many other financial responsibilities in your life."
Pages 50-51
"People drastically overestimate what they can do in a year, but drastically underestimate what they can do in a decade or two."
Page 51
"You need a team of at least seven advisors who can help you examine every aspect of your financial life."
Page 51
"It is important to get your team in place as soon as possible."
Page 85
"One of the biggest problems I see today is that people compartmentalize their financial decisions and put off what is not an immediate concern. But every financial decision you make has an effect on your overall financial plan. You must integrate all together."